out too

OUT TOO takes a look at a wildly romantic landscape of rocky edifices, forests and streams in the region of Krauchthal, through the lens of a semi-automatic eye. Origami-like images unfold to fill the space embedded in a sculptured sound-world, revealing a special piece of nature. Befitting, everything that can be discovered has developed from folded forms. Flower buds, wings, even the observers brain and his genes.
The surround video installation interweaves close-up-slow-motion recordings of nature, with geometrical principals of folding, as usesd in Origami. The sounds recorded on-site, weave with the warm tones of actual and synthesised trumpets and celli.
The installation broaches the issue of our representation of nature, increasingly alienated by algorythms. It questions the relation of real experience of a location versus our notion through digital media.
OUT TOO takes the common contemporary idea of ‹experience before experience› to a new level in a virtual-design reality and transforms a real piece of the world into a hyper-real event.

The real thing: 46 59’31.8″N 7 32’41.5″E

perron3 is responsible
tour management
public relations

OUT TOO Installation at Orbital Garden from Optickle on Vimeo.